ADD in Infographics

50 Years of the Agency for Defense Development

Investment Effects of R&D, 1970~2019
Microeconomic Effects
  • Defense R&D significantly contributed not only to Korea's national security but also to Korea's national economy.

    Over the past 50 years (1970~2019), the economic benefits were 11 times more than the investment.
  • Economic benefits of KRW 442.7 trillion, 10.75 times the R&D expenditure recorded by ADD (KRW 41.2 trillion)

    Source: Analysis results reported by KIET(2020)

Cost Reduction
  • The life cycle cost (LCC) of ADD’s weapon systems development is KRW 447.8 trillion (development, investment, and operation & maintenance costs) while the cost of alternative overseas weapon systems' acquisition is estimated at KRW 810.3 trillion — equivalent to cost reductions of KRW 362.5 trillion.

    * The estimated benefit-to-cost ratio of ADD's weapon system development (KRW 41.2 trillion) is 8.8.
Force Augmentation
  • Added value is estimated at KRW 66.9 trillion compared to importing alternative overseas weapon systems.

    * The estimated benefit-to-cost ratio of ADD's weapon system development (KRW 41.2 trillion) is 1.62.
Impacts of Technology
  • Added value of dissemination and diffusion of technology to private and other defense sectors is estimated at KRW 2.8 trillion.
Contribution to the National Economic Development
  • The economic growth between 1970 and 2019 (growth rate of 7.05%) was fueled by national R&D's economic effects (38.7%) where ADD constitutes 3.83% (KRW 70.4 trillion) of the total R&D impact.
Contribution to the National Science and Technology (S&T) Development 
  • The percentage of ADD’s contribution to the development of national S&T (1970-2019) is estimated at 9.5%.
